Commercial real estate in Poland
- Cena sprzedaży: 1 600 000 zł
- Dodatkowe opłaty: –/mies.
- Powierzchnia: 1600,00 m2
- Pomieszczenia: –
- Kondygnacje: –
Opis oferty
A well-functioning business in Poland, along with the historic palace complex 1,600 sq.m. usable, well-maintained property on a park of 15 hectares in the vicinity of Warsaw.
The ballroom of 300 square meters, 20 hotel rooms. Currently they host wedding receptions and conferences and events for companies. Contracts for two years.
Solid return on capital in real estate prices approx. 10% per year at 50 percent utilization possibilities for potential service. Object palace built approx. 1880, completely restored in 2010. Property price 6500000 PLN.
The possibility of additional adaptation and development towards niche medical services. The owner is ready and developed the concept of the development of medical services in the facility and additional expansion in an environment of real estate and real concept of raising funds for the above-mentioned concept of the development of medical services.
Możliwości rozwoju:
Possible support and assistance in business development. Possible to raise funds for further development. Agreement on foreign contracts.