Production plant for concrete, reinforced concrete and polymer concrete prefabricated units

  • Cena: 21 000 000 zł
  • Przychody:
  • Dochody:
  • Rok założenia:
  • Liczba pracowników:
  • Adres internetowy:
  • Charakter działalności:
    • ▪ Usługi
  • Zakres sprzedaży:
    • ▪ Całość firmy

Opis oferty

The subject of the transaction is 100% shares in the company sp. z o.o. [Limited Liability Company] with Polish capital.
The production plant with a 37-year tradition on the market has a solid, reliable customer base. There are over 100 products in its production range. The plant is technically and technologically adapted to the production on several production lines of precast concrete, reinforced concrete as well as polymer concrete units. For many years, the plant has specialised in the production of large-size prefabricated units. The plant has approvals, tests and documentation for the manufactured products. The company is listed high in web browsers and recognisable in the country.

Nieruchomości i urządzenia

The plant consists of the following properties:
- 3 hectares of land
- a social building and administration and office building
- hardenedarea covered with concrete throughout the entire plant
- the area of the plant is fenced
Movable property included in the plant:
- 4 production lines for the production of WIPRO pipes in the range from Ø 200mm to Ø 3000mm
- a production line for box culverts, the entire range according to Transprojekt
- a production line for reinforced concrete sewage wells from Ø 800mm to Ø 3000mm
- 2 production lines for the production of wells and tanks made of polymer concrete from Ø 600mm to Ø 3000mm
- a production line of polymer concrete pipes from Ø 300mm to Ø 1200mm
- a production line of passages and isolating fencing for amphibians
- 2 concrete batching plants
- aggregate dryer
- silos - 9 pieces
- gantries - Q20 t - 1 piece, Q8 t - 5 pieces, Q8 t - 5 pieces, Q5 t - 1 piece
- 2 POLAN cranes
- Fadroma loaders Ł 200 - 5 pieces

Wsparcie posprzedażowe

Powód sprzedaży

I will sell the production plant due to the age of the owner (70 years of age).

Podobne oferty jest internetową platformą profesjonalnych ofert biznesowych, działającą na krajowym rynku począwszy od 2011 roku.

Operatorem serwisu jest firma
Skytech IT Sp. z o.o. w Krakowie.

Kontakt z nami

Skytech IT Sp. z o.o.
ul. Przemysłowa 12/hubraum
30-701 Kraków