A developing pet store for sale
- Cena: –
- Przychody: –
- Dochody: –
- Rok założenia: –
- Liczba pracowników: –
Charakter działalności:
- ▪ Handel
Zakres sprzedaży:
- ▪ Całość firmy
Opis oferty
"A developing pet store for sale!
A profitable business that has been on the market for over 2 years is ready for sale.
The pet store is surrounded by very high pedestrian traffic.
Within a radius of 1 km there is only one competitive pet shop.
The new owner will receive all the necessary knowledge and support in matters related to store management.
The store has already put down roots in the area - it has many regular customers who are happy to leave positive feedback.
The store earns and does not bring losses, during the last year it doubled its turnover.
Price: 95,000 PLN + products
Profit: 18,000 PLN (average margin 43%)
Reason for sale
1. Owner's health, which has got worse so much that running a store becomes a big discomfort.
2. Owning another business that does not require heavy loads and enables focusing on health.
Object code: 30.005
Do you want to know more information?
Call: +48 732 123 139
Or contact us on Messenger
+48 883 277 777 WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram"
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